The 6 blockchain planets are represented in our non-fungible tokens collection of 2000 unique 2.5D art pieces (no duplicate), which are backed by use cases for the best ROI possible.

  • Unlock characters by owning or leasing an NFT. Example: AVAX NFT unlocks the NFT character.

  • Epic and Legendary NFT's have been enhanced by the power of AI. Giving them an astonishing futuristic look.

  • Level up your NFTs by gaining experience playing AstroPlay. Higher-level NFTs benefits from having more P2E rewards, Staking rewards, Lending opportunity, and a higher resale value.

  • Lend or stake your NFTs for passive income.

  • Easily tradable in Astrobots Marketplace.

Generate NFTs through the MintBox for 0.05 BNB for a chance to get your hands on the rarest Astrobots possible. The rarity of the minted NFTs is RNG determined.

Common (LVL 1): 50% - Capped to level 20

Rare (LVL 2): 30% - Capped to level 50

Epic (LVL 3):15% - Capped to level 75

Legendary (LVL 4): 5% - Capped to level 100

NFT ROI (Including lending scarcity)

Level 100 = 3 Days Level 75 = 6 Days Level 50 = 10 Days Level 25 = 15 Days Level 1 = 25 Days

Last updated